CyanogenMod 14.1 for MT6582 - CM 14.1 for MTK6582

Download CM14.1 for MTK6582:


What's working:
>Everything Works well

Bugs :
>No Bugs

 How To Port ?

Follow these steps to start porting:

Step 1:
Unzip/Extract all files using 7-Zip
Note: If downloaded PORT ROM is SP flash tool flashable and not recovery flashable then extract system.img using ext2explore or dsixda's Android Kitchen.
Rename stock ROM (original rom of your phone) as STOCK and port rom (which you want to port) as PORT

Step 2:
a) Open STOCK and PORT ROMs in separate windows as shown below
b) Delete META-INF and boot.img from PORT
c) Copy META-INF and boot.img from STOCK
d) Paste META-INF and boot.img in PORT

Step 3:
a) Open folder system/bin in STOCK and copy files pq and vold (use ctrl key to select multiple files)
b) Open folder system/bin in PORT and paste pq and vold (Select Copy and Replace for both files)

Step 4:
a) open folder system/etc in PORT and delete folders bluetooth, firmware and wifi
b) open folder system/etc in STOCK and copy folders bluetooth, firmware and wifi
c) open folder system/etc in PORT and paste folders bluetooth, firmware and wifi

Step 5:
a) open folder system/lib in PORT and delete folder egl and hw
b) open folder system/lib in STOCK and copy folder egl and hw
c) open folder system/lib in PORT and paste folder egl and hw

Step 6:
a) open folder system/lib in STOCK and copy all files which starts with libaudio
b) open folder system/lib in PORT and paste all libaudio files

Step 7:
a) open folder system/lib in STOCK and copy following files:
b) open folder system/lib in PORT and paste all files

Step 8:
a) open folder system/usr/keylayout in STOCK and copy file Generic.kl
b) open folder system/usr/keylayout in PORT and paste file Generic.kl

Step 9:
a) open folder system in PORT and delete folder vendor
b) open folder system in STOCK and copy folder vendor
c) open folder system in PORT and paste folder vendor

Step 10:
Open build.prop in PORT and search line ro.sf.hwrotation=
[ex: If value is 0 then change it to 180 as Walton Primo GM mini,Bloom have flipped screen.]

In build.prop search lines
For English change it to

Step 11:
Compress/zip META-INF, system and boot.img using 7-Zip as and flash using any custom recovery.
First boot may take 2-3 minutes�


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